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How I Know My Mental Health Is Suffering + What I Do About It

Here are some signs that my mental health is on the decline:

  • struggle to have an interest in anything

  • skittish around people/don’t want to engage with others

  • seem to need endless time alone to recuperate

  • acting defensive and wounded as a baseline

These things can come up even when I’m exercising regularly, involved in community/work, in counseling, and taking my regular anti-depressants. I’ve found that they’re really just a symptom of needing a mental break.

Here’s what I’ve learned to do when I notice these signs building:

  1. Check to see if there are any damaging/detracting forces in my life. Sometimes this is a toxic-ish friend, or fake positivity on social media. None of it is helpful, so I take a break from it.

  2. I allow myself to do whatever I want. Putting together three jigsaw puzzles together one after another with Hulu’s 'Woke’ in the background - YES.

  3. I try something new. During quarantine it’s been: working on my New Year’s resolution of learning to cook/creating my own menu of tried and loved recipes. Before now I’ve been more of a food re-heater/assembler. :)

  4. Seek inspiration. I push myself to read everyday, and allow myself to troll Pinterest as long as I want. I let go of anything that doesn’t feel natural — I’m looking for something that makes me excited to get out of bed the next day.

  5. When all the above doesn’t make a dent, I travel. Before quarantine, I did this more regularly, but I haven’t left home in months. I’m closing in on my limit, though, so I’m planning a few adventures into nature, soon.

Take care of yourself & I hope this helps.

What helps you get out of a funk?

c sloth